Cermaq Canada's Statement on Filing a Notice of Application for a Judicial Review
In response to DFO's decision regarding licenses in the area referred to as the Discovery Islands region

The Minister’s recent decision has had a significant impact on the future of salmon farming in British Columbia, and salmon farming in Canada, it has also created serious impacts to Cermaq Canada, and more generally, the economic health of rural coastal communities and indigenous communities engaged in aquaculture. In fact, the lack of sincere process behind this latest decision brings all investment in Canada’s farming and resource sector into question. The decision recognized that many factors are contributing to the decline of wild salmon; yet chose to single out an industry, knowing full well the collateral damage it would cause to the communities, companies and the families that depend on it.
This decision came down in the context of Cermaq Canada working diligently with First Nations Partners in their core territories, on solutions to support a sustainable future for this critically important coastal industry which is British Columbia’s number one farming export.
Our industry’s future appears increasingly dictated by out of touch Ottawa political priorities and this should be a cause for grave concern for all Canadians in terms of economic stability, food security and true climate change action. In fact, already we are witnessing salmon now being flown into our markets from distant countries, as the supply from BC rapidly declines, adding additional carbon pressures to an already tenuous climate landscape.
Cermaq Canada is disappointed that once again we must turn to the courts to have our voices heard and the true facts brought into the light. The Minister‘s decision to not renew Cermaq’s aquaculture licences which are supported by the First Nations in whose core territories we operate demonstrates her lack of understanding of our industry and the reputable science underpinning it. We continue to witness this Minister stubbornly sticking to a polarizing path over a balanced approach that would have delivered affordable food for Canadians, jobs for rural coastal areas, reconciliation in action, sensible and responsible environmental management, climate action and wild salmon conservation.
Please follow the link below to read the Coalition of First Nations for Finfish Stewardship’s statement on the Laich-kwil-tach’s application for judicial review on DFO’s Discovery Islands’ decision: https://firstnationsforfinfish...